this week, there will be a vocabulary quiz consisting of 23 words from the vocabulary set of Engel's text. the format will be like last week. erasmus students: you are also taking this vocabulary quiz, which consists of fill in the blanks so be ready for the quiz.
about the quiz about the text: there will either be a question to ask you to summarize the text or there will be no quiz this week about the text.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Engels- vocabulary set
To download the vocabulary set for this week's reading in xls format, click this LINK...
Two vocabulary sets are ready in the quizlet page of class: (one vocabulary set with sentences, one without sentences). Click "quizlet page" in the menu to reach EMP2013's quizlet page.
Two vocabulary sets are ready in the quizlet page of class: (one vocabulary set with sentences, one without sentences). Click "quizlet page" in the menu to reach EMP2013's quizlet page.
Monday, October 21, 2013
questions for 23 October quiz (Jane Jacobs)
Two of these questions will be asked in the quiz. You can work it out when you have got time. Please do not memorize these texts word by word. Just get the general idea and interpret it to us. You will probably be summarizing Jacobs' own thoughts, but you can interpret it with your own ideas. These quiz' aim to let you jump in and comprehend the text. Again, please do not memorize them word by word...
[just to remind you again: 1) in all the quizzes during the course, apart from these questions, always be ready for classical questions such as "what does this text tell us in terms of planning?" or "what was the main message behind this text" as well. 2) you will also have a vocabulary quiz (which would not be as easy as the previous week), so study the vocabulary sets in quizlet -if you have any problems using quizlet just let us know via facebook group or email T.İ.]
[just to remind you again: 1) in all the quizzes during the course, apart from these questions, always be ready for classical questions such as "what does this text tell us in terms of planning?" or "what was the main message behind this text" as well. 2) you will also have a vocabulary quiz (which would not be as easy as the previous week), so study the vocabulary sets in quizlet -if you have any problems using quizlet just let us know via facebook group or email T.İ.]
Question 1: According to Jacobs, what is the bedrock
attribute of a successful city district and what are the properties of a safe
Answer 1: The bedrock attribute of a successful city district is that a person must feel
personally safe and secure on the street among all these strangers. First, there must be a clear demarcation between the
public and private spaces.
Second, there must be eyes upon the street; eyes belonging to those we might call the natural proprietors of the street. Third, the sidewalk must have users on it fairly
continuously both to add to the number of effective eyes on the street and to
induce the people in buildings along the street to watch the sidewalks in
sufficient numbers.
Question 2: How do stores, restaurants and bars ensure
the safety?
Answer 2: First, they give people concrete reasons for using the sidewalks on which these enterprises face. Second, they draw people along the
sidewalks past
places which have no attractions to
public use in themselves but which become travelled and peopled as routes to somewhere
else; this
influence does not carry very far geographically, so enterprises must be
frequent in a city district if they are to populate with walkers those other stretches of street
that lack public places along the sidewalk. Third, storekeepers and other small businessmen are typically strong
proponents of peace and order themselves; they hate broken windows and holdups; they hate
having customers made nervous about safety, They are great street watchers and
sidewalk guardians if present
in sufficient numbers. Fourth, the activity generated by people on errands, or people aiming
for food or drink, is itself an attraction to still other people.
Question 3: What is the role of watchers in safety of the
public spaces?
Answer 3: Watchers
are more important than police presence in street. Watchers are people that can
control space, activities and people’s movement, they operate spontaneously for
neighborhood’s good operation and generally they intervene in case of problems.
Their action is not only direct but also indirect because their presence
discourages people with hostile inclinations.
Question 4: What is the importance of the streets and the sidewalks for a city?
Answer 4: "Streets and their sidewalks, the main public places of a city, are its
most vital organs. Think of a city and what comes to mind? Its streets.
If a city' s streets look interesting, the city looks interesting; if
they look dull, the city looks dull. More than that and here we get down
to the first problem. İf a city’ s city's streets are safe from
barbarism and fear, the city is thereby tolerably safe from barbarism
and fear. When people say that a city, or a part of it, is dangerous or
is a jungle what they mean primarily is that they do not feel safe on
the sidewalks."
Friday, October 18, 2013
the vocabulary of the text of Jane Jacobs...
By clicking THIS LINK, you can download a pdf version of Jacobs' text where the unknown words are highlighted and also appear as text within the document when the cursor is over the unknown word or when you click the highlighted word. This feature might help you to read the text more rapidly and also increase your comprehension.
To study for the vocabulary exam take the following material into consideration (not the pdf above):
- The vocabulary set of Jacobs' reading is uploaded to QUIZLET. Use this link: or the link in the upper menu to study the words in quizlet.
- For those who want to study the words in excel format, you can download the excel file by clicking THIS LINK:
Your friends have spent several hours on this vocabulary set. I've also spent at least 7-8 hours to give it the final shape (making controls, correcting flaws, eliminating unneccessary words, upgrading the format etc.). So a lot of time and energy is spent on this vocabulary set. I hope you will appreciate that and give the importance it deserves. Just to remind you once again, this week's vocabulary quiz will be much more difficult than the previous week's, it would be really hard for those who come to class without studying the words to get passing grades.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
the forthcoming assignments...
1) (only for Turkish students) the extra-responsibles for the first 5 readings (harvey, berman, jacobs, engels, davis) are due to submit their vocabulary list in excel format until 16 October 2013 Wednesday at 23:59. there will be three coloumns in the excel (as in the example below): (send me via facebook message).
column A: english word (that you do not know the definition of)
column B: turkish meaning in the text
column C: the usage in the text (the exact sentence in the text)
note 1: there should be NO MISTAKE in the spelling of the english words in the first column. the first mistake will lower the total point by 10 points and then each mistake will lower the points you will get from this task by 5 points. (burası önemli, her grup vocabulary listini kontrol etsin bir daha, bu liste üzerinden hepimiz çalışıyoruz ve hata olduğu zaman hepimizin o kelimeyi yanlış öğrenmesi anlamına geliyor, sıfır hata ile gelmelisiniz)
note 2: the vocabulary list should contain at least 150 words (daha fazla yapabilirsiniz ama yapmak zorunda değilsiniz) use the singular form of the word (yani çoğul halini değil tekil halini kullanın kelimelerin)
note 3: you should also send the pdf of the text with the unknown words highlighted on it (take a look at the following example in this link) (sorumlu olduğunuz pdf'i bilinmeyen kelimeler highlight edilmiş olarak gönderiyorsunuz)
2) the extra-responsible students for the Jane Jacobs reading are due to send 5 quiz questions from the text until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59. (send me via facebook message in .doc or .docx format). They will be evaluated according to the quality of their questions (in other words a high quality question will get full points, the lower the quality the lower the points you will get from each question)
3) (from now on) the extra-responsible students should also prepare two discussion questions and send them to me via facebook message until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59. discussion questions are questions that will help us talk about the text (i.e. you can ask questions regarding relationships between contemporary process or use any technic which you believe would foster a discussion)
4) all the students (except for the extra-responsibles for Jacobs' reading) are due to enter one quiz question for the next weeks text (Jane Jacobs) by using the "quotation entry" button in the menu until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59 (remember that you might get extra or lesser points according to the quality of your questions) note: each student can also prepare some discussion questions to talk in the class.
4) all the students (except for the extra-responsibles for Jacobs' reading) are due to enter one quiz question for the next weeks text (Jane Jacobs) by using the "quotation entry" button in the menu until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59 (remember that you might get extra or lesser points according to the quality of your questions) note: each student can also prepare some discussion questions to talk in the class.
New York devam: Popüler eserlerdeki mekanların tarihsel takibi
Bir arkadaşımız yememiş, içmemiş ve "Great Gatsby" romanında adı geçen yerlerin karşılıklarını ve hangi zamanda tasvir edildiklerini araştırıp bulmuş. Bu tip eserleri inceleyerek tarihsel analizler de yapabiliyoruz yani. Örneğin kitapta bahsedilen "Valley of Ashes"(Kül Vadisi) bölgesini -hani üzerinde gözlüklü bir çift göz görünen dişçi reklamı olan bölge- 1924 hava haritası üzerinde bulmuş.
Marshall Berman kitabının bizim okuduğumuz nispeten kısa bölümünde bu gözlerden ve Valley of Ashes'ın sembolik manasından (bizdeki "halkalı çöplüğü"ne benzer bir manası var aslında) bahsediyor hatırlarsanız.
Makale ve kullanılan görseller burada.
Tarihsel değişimi belgelemek için kullanılan kombinasyonlardan sadece biri.
The link above, leads you to a research about the real place of the fictious "Valley of Ashes" described in the novel Great Gatsby. By locating the possible place of the Valley, researcher is actually documenting the transformation. This leaves us some questions; the fictiousness and realness of a popular novel, and whether if we can use this method or not in order to analyze the urban fabric.
after Berman and Moses - are we clear?
Arkadaşlar selam

Destekleyici filmlere ek
"Once upon a time in America" (aynı zamanlar, üstelik yanlış bilmiyorsam ana karakterimiz bir Yahudi, aynı Marshall Berman, Robert Moses veya dönemin büyük mafya babası -ilk babalardan- Las Vegas'ın kurucusu Bugsy Siegel gibi) ve 19.yy. New York'unu anlatan
"Gangs of New York".
New York meselesinin bu kadar vurgulanmasının sebebi an itibariyle konumuz olması. İstanbul'un veya Yozgat'ın bizim için daha önemli olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok herhalde. En azından bana göre öyle.
Şehirci arkadaşlarım, sizler için aşağıya New York haritası linki verdim, lütfen bol zoom in/out yaparak nereden bahsettiğimizi kavrayalım.
Erasmus people:
To reinforce our primary reading materials it could be usefull to have a look at the relevant popular movies or novels -or any fictive materials that may reflect the historical facts and different point of views for that context.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby" novel and two movies you can see from above links. The first video above is a summary of "the Great Gatsby" from, a site that I also suggest you to take a look insight.
Please make your own suggestions for these kind of examples which can help us to grasp the context more truly.
And lastly, the map of New York is important for at least to understand the place of which we talk about roughly.
Bu tip okumaların soğumaması, deteklenmesi için sinema, roman sizin de aklınıza gelirse eklemeyi unutmayın. Ne de olsa gelecek hafta (bayram ertesinde) Jane Jacobs okuyacağız. Hala New York'dayız yani.
Temel okumalarımızın bu gibi popüler kurgularla pekiştirilmesinin yararlı olduğunu zannediyorum. Metinden de anlamış olduğumuz gibi konu 1929 sonrası New York, veya A.B.D. de diyebiliriz aslında. Bağlama dair fikir verici bir çok popüler eser arasından benim aklıma gelenleri ekliyorum,
Bir kere "The Great Gatsby". Dönemin New York'u, özellikle Moses'ın ikinci dönemindeki çalışma alanı olan Long Island'da geçmesi vs... dolayısıyla -özellikle de Marshall Berman tarafından da vurgulandığı ve kaynak olarak gösterildiği gibi- oldukça önemli. Wiki linki burada.
"Zamanımız değerli" dediğinizi duyar gibiyim. Sparknotes sitesi ilginç bir site. Şöyle bir göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim. Bu tip kolaylaştırıcılar olayla yüzeysel bir münasebet sağlıyor ama sonuçta bunlar ana okumalarımızın yan destekleri sadece. İşte altta kısa bir video. Ayrıca biliyorsunuzdur romanın film uyarlaması bu sene gösterime girdi.
Temel okumalarımızın bu gibi popüler kurgularla pekiştirilmesinin yararlı olduğunu zannediyorum. Metinden de anlamış olduğumuz gibi konu 1929 sonrası New York, veya A.B.D. de diyebiliriz aslında. Bağlama dair fikir verici bir çok popüler eser arasından benim aklıma gelenleri ekliyorum,
Bir kere "The Great Gatsby". Dönemin New York'u, özellikle Moses'ın ikinci dönemindeki çalışma alanı olan Long Island'da geçmesi vs... dolayısıyla -özellikle de Marshall Berman tarafından da vurgulandığı ve kaynak olarak gösterildiği gibi- oldukça önemli. Wiki linki burada.
"Zamanımız değerli" dediğinizi duyar gibiyim. Sparknotes sitesi ilginç bir site. Şöyle bir göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim. Bu tip kolaylaştırıcılar olayla yüzeysel bir münasebet sağlıyor ama sonuçta bunlar ana okumalarımızın yan destekleri sadece. İşte altta kısa bir video. Ayrıca biliyorsunuzdur romanın film uyarlaması bu sene gösterime girdi.

Destekleyici filmlere ek
"Once upon a time in America" (aynı zamanlar, üstelik yanlış bilmiyorsam ana karakterimiz bir Yahudi, aynı Marshall Berman, Robert Moses veya dönemin büyük mafya babası -ilk babalardan- Las Vegas'ın kurucusu Bugsy Siegel gibi) ve 19.yy. New York'unu anlatan
"Gangs of New York".
New York meselesinin bu kadar vurgulanmasının sebebi an itibariyle konumuz olması. İstanbul'un veya Yozgat'ın bizim için daha önemli olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok herhalde. En azından bana göre öyle.
Şehirci arkadaşlarım, sizler için aşağıya New York haritası linki verdim, lütfen bol zoom in/out yaparak nereden bahsettiğimizi kavrayalım.
Erasmus people:
To reinforce our primary reading materials it could be usefull to have a look at the relevant popular movies or novels -or any fictive materials that may reflect the historical facts and different point of views for that context.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby" novel and two movies you can see from above links. The first video above is a summary of "the Great Gatsby" from, a site that I also suggest you to take a look insight.
Please make your own suggestions for these kind of examples which can help us to grasp the context more truly.
And lastly, the map of New York is important for at least to understand the place of which we talk about roughly.
View New York - Moses in a larger map
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Robert Moses - Cross Bronx Expressway
video on the construction of Robert Moses'Cross Bronx Expressway... with comments by Caro and Marshall Berman...
Monday, October 7, 2013
questions for 09 October quiz
In the quiz of 09 October, at least one of the following questions will be asked... the answers are following the questions... and (always) be ready for classical questions such as "what does this (Berman's) text tell us in terms of planning?" or "what was the main message behind this text".
+ you will also have a vocabulary quiz from the words of Harvey and Berman's texts... you can study the words of the two texts by clicking the quizlet page link in the menu
+ you will also have a vocabulary quiz from the words of Harvey and Berman's texts... you can study the words of the two texts by clicking the quizlet page link in the menu
1) (Gizem &Songül) According to Berman, (by giving reference to Harvey) what is the ideal type of relationship between Modernism and urban planning?
Although Harvey states that the residents of a city has the right to shape the environment they live in, Robert designed the city with symbolization and huge roads by ignoring the residents in the name of social order and expropriation. Modernism destroyed social institutions, environment and moral values until today and created again the cities. If Modernism and urban planning works together, this system serves only to economic and politic efforts.
2) (Gizem & Songül) According to the reading, how did construction projects of Moses affect residents?
These projects effected negatively residents,especially low-income groups and labours. Residents did not need roads also they have not a themselves cars but Mosess built expressways and parkway. The conclusion of these projects the most people migrated another cities and were disspossed.
Booklet for the first five readings...
I have prepared a booklet that covers the first 5 readings of the course. If you want to read or print the readings using this single pdf you can download the booklet (115 pages) from this link or clicking the cover below: readingsEMP2013_01.pdf (you can still download the readings as single files using the "reading list" button in the menu)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
vocabulary sets are in quizlet
the vocabulary sets you are responsible for the next week (that of harvey and berman) are put in the quizlet. visit and search for "emp2013" or "tolgaislam", you will see two vocabulary sets under the class emp2013. [or click the "quizlet page of class emp2013" link on the right]
this week (09 October), there will be two vocabulary quizzes at the beginning of the course (one for Harvey's text, one for Berman's text). Each quiz will be prepared by the's test module. So the best way for you to study is using the tools on and become familiar with the words.
the format of the vocabulary quiz will exactly look like this, only questions will be different:
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Crises of Capitalism
the legendary animation of RSA about David Harvey's explanation on crisis of capitalism:
Who is David Harvey by the way?
(or an unacademic summary from Wiki)
Thursday, October 3, 2013
for Erasmus students:
for Erasmus students: the explanation of the course in the USIS system is as follows.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
reading for 09 October and quizlet
Use the reading list button in the menu to open the folder for the forthcoming readings... Currently the first three weeks' readings are put in the folder (harvey, berman, jacobs)... It will be updated in a few days... (you can choose the week you want to be "extra responsible" by contacting me -first come first serve rule applies)
the reading for next week is from Marshall Berman: all that solid melts into the air; page 287-312
- all the students are responsible for adding a quatation, a question and a comment using the "quotation entry" form in the menu until Saturday (05 October 2013) 23:59. All the students are also supposed to take notes/prepare questions during their readings in order to open discussion in the class.
- "extra responsible" students (Gizem & Songül) are due to finish and submit their assignments by this date as well. Their assignments involve:
- creating a new vocabulary set for the text
- preparing 5 questions for the the mid-term (we will give marks to these questions by evaluating their quality)
- getting "extra" ready for the class (reading the text more than other students, preparing "more" discussion questions for the class
- (they are also responsible for organizing the space for discussion before the class)
I will put these entries into quizlet for those who would like to review the text more before the class. As I have explained today, in order to use quizlet for this lesson all you have to do is to enter the website of quizlet ( and search for "emp2013". Currently you will have access to the vocabulary of Harvey's text. (this vocabulary set will be updated on Saturday, new words from Harvey's text will be added, so check it again after Friday).
small tip for smart phone and tablet users:
- for Ios users, there is an application called CHEGG where you can search in QUIZLET database and download the data and play with the flash cards (the positive side of the application is that you can mark incorrect words and then study them again)
- for both Ios and Android users: you can use QUIZLET application. the application allows you to study the cards via flash cards (unfortunately you can not mark the incorrect words currently) + other very useful tools. I will be using both applications to memorize the words till the next course. Feel free to share with us any tools/applications that you think might be useful for the course.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Room Change...
tomorrow (02 October 2013) and from now on, our course will be taking place on room D-409... (up floor, next to BOAT). please be at the class at 17:00 sharp... (note: remember there will be a quiz on Harvey's text at the beginning of the lesson)
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