Friday, September 20, 2013

assignment for 02 October 2013 course

As I have explained today in the class, all the students of EMP are required to write an essay regarding the relation of Harvey's text on "right to the city" and the works in the İstanbul Bienalle. You should submit your work until 29 September 2013 Sunday at 23:59. I will announce the email addresss you will submit your work here in a few days...use facebook group page to upload your pdfs until Sunday 23:59...: (so that the time/date you submit your papers could be seen by everyone)

use if you have any problems with using the facebook group... if you have no problems with using facebook group, then submit your assignments via facebook group on Sunday. 

the assignment:
  1. read the text on right to the city (the assignment for 02 October Course)
  2. using this text as a lense and visit the biennale and observe the works there (using this lense)
  3. choose one or more works there that you beleive is related with Harvey's text and gather data: take pictures of the works and the texts
  4. then write a short essay that is no longer than one A4 by elaborating on both Harvey's text on right to the city and the chosen works in the Bienalle.  Try to highlight the parallels and relations between the two. Feel free to add your own comments, which are most valuable. 
  5. apart from the text you will write, photos taken by you in the bienalle should be added to the document
  6. you can use any software to create this document (word, powerpoint, photoshop) but you are required to send the document as a pdf file. 

  • since there wont be any class next week as I will be abroad, you can visit the biannale during the course hours.
  • I might add new information on this post, check it for updates.
  • Feel free to ask any questions about this assignment or the course in general on our facebook group:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

facebook group address

the address of the facebook group of the course EMP is:

it is a secret group where only members can see the posts. Other people can see the group and who is in it but can not see the posts. so feel free to post anything on the facebook group. any new and innovative ideas might bring you extra points

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

contact details form

please fill the following form about your contact details until the next course (it will take less than 1 minute)... click here to open the form...
I will announce my contact details in the class for those who do not have it yet...


next course: 02 October 2013

Since I will be abroad next week (25 September 2013), there will be no course. Our next course is on 02 October 2013. You can download the reading from the following link... 

The reading is from David Harvey's book: "Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution". You are responsible from the first chapter: right to the city - pages 3-27. Click here to download the book as pdf

there will be a quiz at the beginning of the lesson about the chapter, at 17:00 sharp, afterwards we will discuss about the reading...

every student should bring their printed copies of the chapter to the class (those who do not have their printed copies will lose points)

further details about the 02 October week will be given in the blog. Please check the blog frequently or follow the blog by email to be updated. as I have written in the previous post, you are responsible for the assignments that are announced from this blog.


first post: about the course and blog

I will use this blog to inform the students of Economic Geography and Planning (Ekonomik Mekan ve Planlama) about the course. All the students that are taking this course are responsible to follow this blog. Thus you can use the "follow by email" gadget on the right handside to follow the new posts. Blog will be open to public for a while, than I can restrict its access to those who are taking the course.

have a nice semestre

tolga islam