Saturday, October 12, 2013

the forthcoming assignments...

1) (only for Turkish students) the extra-responsibles for the first 5 readings (harvey, berman, jacobs, engels, davis) are due to submit their vocabulary list in excel format until 16 October 2013 Wednesday at 23:59. there will be three coloumns in the excel (as in the example below): (send me via facebook message). 
column A: english word (that you do not know the definition of)
column B: turkish meaning in the text
column C: the usage in the text (the exact sentence in the text)

note 1: there should be NO MISTAKE in the spelling of the english words in the first column. the first mistake will lower the total point by 10 points and then each mistake will lower the points you will get from this task by 5 points. (burası önemli, her grup vocabulary listini kontrol etsin bir daha, bu liste üzerinden hepimiz çalışıyoruz ve hata olduğu zaman hepimizin o kelimeyi yanlış öğrenmesi anlamına geliyor, sıfır hata ile gelmelisiniz)
note 2: the vocabulary list should contain at least 150 words (daha fazla yapabilirsiniz ama yapmak zorunda değilsiniz) use the singular form of the word (yani çoğul halini değil tekil halini kullanın kelimelerin) 

note 3: you should also send the pdf of the text with the unknown words highlighted on it (take a look at the following example in this link) (sorumlu olduğunuz pdf'i bilinmeyen kelimeler highlight edilmiş olarak gönderiyorsunuz) 

2) the extra-responsible students for the Jane Jacobs reading are due to send 5 quiz questions from the text until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59. (send me via facebook message in .doc or .docx format). They will be evaluated according to the quality of their questions (in other words a high quality question will get full points, the lower the quality the lower the points you will get from each question)

3) (from now on) the extra-responsible students should also prepare two discussion questions and send them to me via facebook message until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59.  discussion questions are questions that will help us talk about the text (i.e. you can ask questions regarding relationships between contemporary process or use any technic which you believe would foster a discussion)

4) all the students (except for the extra-responsibles for Jacobs' reading) are due to enter one quiz question for the next weeks text (Jane Jacobs) by using the "quotation entry" button in the menu until 19 October 2013 Saturday at 23:59 (remember that you might get extra or lesser points according to the quality of your questions) note: each student can also prepare some discussion questions to talk in the class. 

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